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How Do I Display the Full List of Recipients in My Sent Email?


When I send emails to several people and I go into Sent, how can I see who
I sent the emails to? I see maybe the first and sometimes the second person, but
not all of them? Is this possible?

In this excerpt from
Answercast #61
, I look at some possible ways to view the full list of recipients in an email that has been sent.

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Email recipients

Well, I’m sure that it’s possible, but unfortunately, you haven’t indicated
what email program or service you’re using.

Exactly how you go about displaying that information depends (dramatically
actually) on what specific program or what specific email service you happen to
be using. In general, there’s usually going to be a down arrow or something you
can click, usually off to the end of that list (or partially incomplete list)
of email addresses that you sent your email to. Click on that. That may expand
the list, it may drop down the list, it may do more, and it will eventually
show you the list of everybody that you sent it to.

Expand the header

Another possibility is that many email programs show a compact header –
which means they only show the bare, basic information in the header of an
email when they display it. Things like only the first line or two, maybe the
CC, only the subject and that’s about it.

In those cases, there’s an expanded header that may be available. Your email
program may have an option to automatically display expanded headers instead of
the compact ones.

Again, it depends on the email program. So, those are the things to look

Blind carbon copy

One thing I definitely want to clarify is that if you BCC (in other words,
if you blind carbon copied someone on that outgoing email), it is possible that
who you sent it to may not be visible. It may not even be available to you, no
matter what you do.

This definitely depends a lot on the email program you’re using. Some will
save the BCC information in your Sent mail for email that you’ve sent. Some, on
the other hand, will not and if they don’t, there’s no way to get it back.

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2 comments on “How Do I Display the Full List of Recipients in My Sent Email?”

  1. When ever I get an e-mail, if I forward it I always use BCC and remove the person who sent me the e-mail and any other addresses.


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