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How do I get rid of this social media sharing pop-up on a site?


Is there any way to get rid of the sliding pop-up of the left of this site
and many others? I don’t need access to Tweet and Redit and I find it
distracting. I don’t see anything to click on to minimize or close it.

(The link provided is to an article out at

In this excerpt from
Answercast #48
, I look at a page with prominent links for “liking” the site
on various social media.

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Media sharing links

Unfortunately, the answer to your question is no.

What you’re seeing is not so much a pop-up as it is something that the page
author has created and placed on those pages. The fact that it happens to stay
in one position (or it doesn’t move as you scroll the page) is simply a side
effect of how it’s designed.

  • It is not technically a pop-up.

  • It really is just something that the page author has put there.

If you take a look at my own articles… you’ll see at the bottom of every
article links to “Tweet” and to “Share on Facebook” (and so forth) for the article that you’ve just seen.

It’s exactly the same thing. The only difference is that this site has coded
theirs in such a way that it always stays on the screen regardless of how you
scroll the page. I don’t know of any way to turn it off.

Vote with your feet

If it annoys you enough, the only solution that I’m aware of is to vote with
your feet and not visit sites that have things that annoy you.

I realize that’s not always a practical solution. But the only thing left
after that is simply to live with it.

Do this

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5 comments on “How do I get rid of this social media sharing pop-up on a site?”

  1. You might want to try Chrome. In one of the settings it has this checkbox you can check for anti-social mode. I believe that should “hide” those social media links.

    I’m not aware if there is a similar button on other browsers. Just came across it when I setup chrome. I use adblock and noscript(not recommended for users not familiar with web programming) for firefox when I browse so I don’t see them.

  2. One of the big violators is this web site. It isn’t annoying enough to override the really good information and cause me to “vote with my feet” but it is by far much more than any other site I use.

    It wouldn’t be bad if the popups were information related to the text but accidentally moving the mouse over the word pop in the article text pops up an ad for jeans over the text of the article.

    I recognize that the ads pay for the information that you give us for free but couldn’t you do it in a less intrusive manner? One of the things that I liked when Google was the new search engine was that they put the ads around the edges and clearly marked them as ads. For those old enough to remember Paul Harvey (, he didn’t like blending ads into the news copy and created his famous “and now page ##” to indicate a break between his thoughts and the advertisement that he would read next.

  3. when Google Tech Boss (at ‘Security@Google’ – Google changes tech security email add from time to time just to sluff off the deluge of lifesaving requests from net users all over the world, they merely get overwhelmed with requests of this sort to get rid of facebook, so google search for the email add whenever they do not solve your problem within half a day, is good for the soul ….) is not too busy playing games with the usgovt Hacker on site at google who has absolute power to skim and or open all emails on all of the net, worldwide, then he, The Google Tech Boss, can make magic on any issue you give him, thus ask him to delete all of e.g. facebookie from all of your acct (ask again for each of your acounts) —– if he has a minute and is in a relatively good mood he will get rid of that undesireable in half a minute and then go back to his coffee break, —– the problem is the usgovt snoop needs to have your acct on facebook so he can snoop there on yours etc all the time thus he, the usgovt snoop, will put back facebook all over all your accounts, for info and to drive you nutso…….. best therapy is to ignore facebook and never join it and never respond to any from any of fb, they are merely emotional jockeys who get off on playing with customer emotions, a thrill without participating in the real world emotions at play, o well,,,, passes time ….


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