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My ISP’s equipment is beeping and indicates a battery replacement is needed. What do I do?


In March 2011, I subscribed to the Verizon Vios bundle, TV, computer, and
telephone. No wireless connection. A router was installed in a box outside my
house and another part on the wall in back of my computer. Two green lights
are always on. Last week, I noticed that there is also a steady red light that
says, “Replace Battery,” and I get a short beep about every half an hour. What do
I do?

In this excerpt from
Answercast #49
, I look at some internet equipment that is signaling for a
battery change.

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Replace the battery

Well, unfortunately, my flip answer is to say, “Replace the battery.”

The light is pretty clearly telling you what needs to happen. My assumption
is because you’re asking this question, it’s not something that you can do or
that you’re comfortable doing. In which case:

  • If this is a piece of equipment that was provided by Verizon as part of the
    internet connection that they’re giving you;

  • I would contact them and ask them what to do.

  • It is very likely that it could be a very simple replacement.

  • A very simple battery replacement.

And it may not impact you at all other than the beeping every half an hour
while the battery is in need of replacement.

On the other hand, it could be very important. So without knowing the
specific equipment that Verizon uses (and I just don’t), I would have you give
your ISP a call and let them know that this is what’s happening.

They will instruct you what to do. My guess is they will probably tell you
replace the battery.

Next from Answercast 49 – How do
I free up space on my recovery drive?

Do this

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2 comments on “My ISP’s equipment is beeping and indicates a battery replacement is needed. What do I do?”

  1. Assuming the writer means Verizon’s FiOS and not ViOS, it is a very simple change. The battery is available in lots of places (e.g., Home Depot, Batteries Plus). If a repairman is there for another reason, he might replace it (my sister’s experience). But the battery is considered a customer replaceable part so not sure if Verizon will come out and replace it. If they say they will, make sure there’s not an outrageous service charge.

    You do need to get the battery replaced otherwise when you have a power outage, your phone will instantly die rather than continuing to operate for several hours.

  2. What Robert R said in his comment is true. However, in some cases (including mine), taking the battery out and putting it back in is all that is needed to turn off the warning light and stop the beeping. I found several posts online describing the process. I tried it and it worked.


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